YOUR vision for #NewProfNZ – Visualised

YOUR vision for #NewProfNZ - Visualised

A word cloud of the 3 words that you people shared on the blog – the largest words are the ones used most often. I can see clear themes emerging. My take is that:

1. You’d like action (and you’d like it SOON)
2. You’d like innovation (let’s brainstorm)
3. You’d like it to be open and inclusive (no extra barriers like cost, membership fees and restrictions, red tape)
4. You’d like it to be a community that allows for connection and collaboration (hope we’ve accomplished that!)

Anything else?

About newprofessionalsnz

Official website for New Professionals Network in New Zealand. Administered by: Abigail Willemse LIANZA Library Life Editor @ajwillemse91
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